Monday, November 12, 2012

MSC Networking Evolution

  • Monday, November 12, 2012
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  • Networking Evolution

    The MSOFTX3000 supports the application of the 3GPP R4 CS CN and is compatible with the GSM and 3GPP R99 networking. It enables the R4 networking to evolve smoothly to the 3GPP R5/R6.

    Figure 1 Evolution strategy of mobile core network
    The previous sections describe the applications of the MSOFTX3000 in the GSM, 3GPP R99, and 3GPP R4. The following paragraphs describe the evolution solution of theMSOFTX3000 towards the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) of 3GPP R5/R6.
    Figure 2 Solution of R5
    In the 3GPP R5 solution, the IMS for long is networked with the CS CN of 3GPP R4 as a service control network built on top of the PS domain. The two networks can supplement each other. It also converges mobile networks with fixed networks.
    Due to continuous improvement in real-time IP service QoS mechanism of the PS air interface, increasing enhancement to the IP processing capability of wireless terminals, and mature end-to-end session-based QoS mechanism of the IMS bearer network, the IMS will gradually replace the CS R4 in the 3G access domain. The MSOFTX3000 can be expanded smoothly into the equipment with the MGCF, and the UMG8900 can be upgraded to the IM MGW. This ensures investment protection.