Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Logical Structure

  • Tuesday, November 6, 2012
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  • Logical Structure

    The design concept of the SMSC.
    In logical functions, the SMSC can be divided into the NMS subsystem, service subsystem, access subsystem, scheduling subsystem, and charging subsystem. Here is shows the logical structure.

    SMSC architecture
    The functions of each subsystem are as follows:

    Access Subsystem

    The access subsystem accesses the SMSC to external systems, which include:
    • SS7 network through the signaling access gateway
    • Service network through the SMPP 3.3 or SMPP 3.4 protocol
    • Charging network through SMAP 1.3, SMPP 2.0, files and internal protocols
                     Physically, the access subsystem includes:
    • Signaling processing module composed of the access gateway (such as USAU or ASAU), MTI Server and MAP Server
    • SMSC Interfaces adopting different protocols (such as SMPP interface)

    Scheduling Subsystem

    The scheduling subsystem realizes the function of SM scheduling, which includes the SM storing, forwarding, backup, and routing management and so on.
    Physically, the scheduling subsystem is composed of the SMCAPP, FDB, historical database, DBDaemon, and so on.

    Service Subsystem

    The service subsystem implements the service functions such as SM forwarding and enhanced status report provided by the SMSC.
    Physically, the service subsystem is composed of the SMCAPP, CCM, UserProxy, the ICCWebServer, and so on.

    Charging Subsystem

    The charging subsystem conducts charging related functions such as bill creation and pre-deduction of PPS subscribers.
    Physically, charging subsystem is composed of the BillCreater, PPS processing module of the SMCAPP, and UTIns.

    NMS Subsystem

    The NMS subsystem implements such functions as network management, maintenance and test, statistics, report generation, and alarming.
    Physically, the NMS subsystem is composed of the MT console, MT Server, I2000, AlertServer, alarm console, SMSBI system, and so on.